Barriga Andrade Jhonattan Javier
Departamento de Informática y Ciencias de la Computación
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Ext: 4715
  1. Ingeniero en Sistemas e Informática en la Escuela Politécnica del Ejército (ESPE)
  2. Máster of Science Computer Forensics and Systems Security en University of Greenwich – Londres, Inglaterra
Líneas de investigación
  1. DICC-A2-L1 Computación Aplicada a las Comunicaciones y Seguridades
  2. DICC-A2-L2 Seguridad y Privacidad
  3. DICC-A2-L3 Temas profesionales y sociales
  1. Barriga A, J. J., Yoo, S. G., & Polo, J. C. (2019). Enhancement to the Privacy-Aware Authentication for Wi-Fi Based Indoor Positioning Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 11605 LNCS, 143–155.
  2. Andrade, R. O., Yoo, S. G., & Barriga A, J. J. (2019). Methodology for designing aal-iot solutions for older adults. Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2019 - Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Health 2019, 230–234.
  3. Barriga A, J. J., & Yoo, S. G. (2018). Security over smart home automation systems: A survey. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 94, 87–96.
  4. Barriga, J. J., Sulca, J., León, J., Ulloa, A., Portero, D., García, J., & Yoo, S. G. (2020). A smart parking solution architecture based on LoRaWAN and Kubernetes. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10(13).
  5. Barriga, J. J., Sulca, J., Luis, J. L., Ulloa, A., Portero, D., Andrade, R., & Guun, S. Y. (2019). Smart parking: A literature review from the technological perspective. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 9(21).
  6. Yoo, S. G., & Barriga, J. J. (2017). Privacy-aware authentication for wi-fi based indoor positioning systems. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 719, 201–213.
  7. Barriga, J. J. A., & Yoo, S. G. (2017). Malware detection and evasion with machine learning techniques: A survey. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 12(18), 7207–7214.

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